We rejoice that God has bestowed upon us the gift of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our delight to gather every Sunday to praise Him. It would be our joy to worship with you this Sunday. We are live-streaming our Sunday Services on TBC's YouTube channel and Facebook page .

• God glorifying
• Christ-centred
• Spirit-filled
• Expository preaching
• Loving community
• Mission-minded

Prayer for April 11, 2021

April 11, 2021


Ministry: Eric Abwao takes the SS on civil magistracy, Murungi Igweta preaches in the morning from Romans 3:12-18 on Total Inability, while Dominic Kabaria takes the afternoon service and continues with the life of Samuel. We have the book-reading for children which was recorded last year that can still be used to teach children. We desire that the Lord will use these difficult times, with lots of deaths in the air, to awaken a strong desire for the things of God leading to the salvation of many.

Grace and Truth Magazine