We rejoice that God has bestowed upon us the gift of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our delight to gather every Sunday to praise Him. It would be our joy to worship with you this Sunday. We are live-streaming our Sunday Services on TBC's YouTube channel and Facebook page .

• God glorifying
• Christ-centred
• Spirit-filled
• Expository preaching
• Loving community
• Mission-minded

Prayer for August 7, 2023

August 7, 2023


TBC Leaders: On the 27th of July, we had a successful meeting with those
who lead various churches operating under TBC registration with a view of
encouraging them to move with speed to pursue autonomy so that TBC does not remain as a kind of a denomination. This was well received, and we are now helping most of them with specific steps to achieve this goal.

Grace and Truth Magazine