We rejoice that God has bestowed upon us the gift of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our delight to gather every Sunday to praise Him. It would be our joy to worship with you this Sunday. We are live-streaming our Sunday Services on TBC's YouTube channel and Facebook page .

• God glorifying
• Christ-centred
• Spirit-filled
• Expository preaching
• Loving community
• Mission-minded

Prayer for January 23, 2021

January 23, 2021


The APC has been revamped with additional directors. They hope to  resume conferences this year. Joshua Bolaji (APC chairman and pastor of Welkom  Baptist Church, Johannesburg) has been much helped of the Lord having taken over  from Irving Steggles who rested from all his earthly labours last year. The Covid-19 

challenges in South Africa (APC’s centre of operations) present many limitations.  Pray that the Lord will be pleased to grant success in this work amongst many pastors for the strengthening of many local churches in many countries.

Grace and Truth Magazine