We rejoice that God has bestowed upon us the gift of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our delight to gather every Sunday to praise Him. It would be our joy to worship with you this Sunday. We are live-streaming our Sunday Services on TBC's YouTube channel and Facebook page .

• God glorifying
• Christ-centred
• Spirit-filled
• Expository preaching
• Loving community
• Mission-minded

Prayer for March 12, 2023

March 12, 2023


Ministry today: KN continues with SS teaching on The 12 Disciples. MI
will be with TPC students at GRBC for the recognition service of PG as the pastor of that church, and preach in the morning as well as lead in the Communion service there. We also have the Lord’s Supper which will be lead by EA. EA will preach in the morning from the book of Jonah and evening on The Fruit of the Spirit is Self Control from Galatians 5:23.

Grace and Truth Magazine